School Transition
“Our future depends on how we invest in our children today.”
Australian research shows that children who attend a quality early learning program led by qualified teachers are up to 40% ahead of their peers in standardised testing by Year 3 (Warren & Haisken-DeNew, 2013, State of Early Learning in Australia Report).
At Jannali Pre-School we have 2 highly skilled educators and 1 University-trained teacher in each class every day.
We engage children in a range of school readiness experiences across the whole year. The educators use both planned and spontaneous small group projects to challenge each child at their level, using technology and others resources to enhance their learning outcomes.
We consider the following skills important in our Transition to School program:
- Pre-writing activities
- Pre-literacy / early reading skills and a love of books
- Pre-math skills
- Cutting skills
- Large muscle coordination and spatial awareness
- Social skills that include supporting your child’s confidence and their ability to adapt to the school routine
- Growth mindset and positive outlook to new opportunities
- Creative thinking
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